You've it heard it before. Morning people get more done. Morning people are more effective at everything they do. Morning people win more often. They might as well just come clean and say what they really mean: Morning people do better in life.
Whether or not you believe this, the reality is that morning people do seem to get an awful lot done, and even night owls have reported that short periods of morning waking have made them feel more productive, even if they really aren't.
And this is my point: even if they really aren't.
As a self-professed genetic night owl who has worked hard to make myself a morning person (to varying degrees of success, depending on the season), I agree that waking up in the morning makes you feel you've done more.
Doing a lot between 1:00 and 4:00 am, like most night owls, invariably makes me feel behind when I drag myself out of bed, circa noon. In contrast, waking at 5:30 am, watching the sun rise (gasp!) and literally feeling that you beat everyone at the first competition of the day -- getting out of bed -- is a feeling that can't be beat.
So try it, even if you're a night owl. And tell me you don't feel you're doing more.
And, when you do try it, think about how to create a great morning routine. My free book, The Present Principle, will help you get there.
Written by: Claire Diaz-Ortiz
Photo: noppharat/Shutterstock
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